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Baruch Dayan Emet - Blessed is the true Judge

16/12/2022 09:50:34 AM


When one learns of the passing of a loved one or a dear friend, the immediate response is to say the words, Baruch Dayan Emet - Blessed is the true Judge.

Yesterday (Wednesday), we learned that Danny Allman passed away in Israel. Many of us remember that he served our synagogue community in a variety of capacities - as ritual director, building manager, and I.T. consultant. After leaving our shul voluntarily, Danny spent the rest of his life living in Israel. He lived nearby children and grandchildren.

Danny was a true Mensch. He greeted everyone with warmth and a smile. At daily services, he inspired attendees to become more conversant with the liturgy and customs. Over the years, he taught men and women how to lain the Torah and Haftarah, as well as teaching Nusach and davening skills. In the other areas of his work, he seemed to always be at the synagogue, never taking a day off or even a break for lunch or dinner. He was completely devoted to Beth Emeth spiritually and administratively. We will miss Danny.

Yhi Zichro Baruch - May his memory be for a blessing.

Rabbi Howard Morrison
Senior Rabbi

Steve Werger
Synagogue President

Sat, 27 July 2024 21 Tammuz 5784