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How  To Renew  Online

 In order to renew your membership, please log in to your account.


Payment Information

Payments may be made to Beth Emeth by cheque, credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX) and e-transfer*

The approximately 2% convenience fee on credit card payments is optional. However, if you choose to include it, it will show up when you start your online payment. You are encouraged to include the convenience (credit card processing) fee as it helps to offset the shul's expenses. This fee will be included in your tax receipt

If you wish to pay in installments, you are able to set those up in your account when you select "start online payment." 

Single members who are 30 years old or younger are included in their family's membership and do not pay individual membership dues. All children under 25 will also be included in their family membership. 

All Membership contribution payments must be received in full or completed by May 31, 2025

*E-transfers will only be accepted for payment in full. We are unable to accept multiple e-transfers. 
E-transfers should be sent to Natalya - please make sure your full name is listed as the sender, so we know where to apply the payment. 

Benefits of Membership

  • High Holy Day tickets
  • Deeply committed clergy 
  • Long-standing multigenerational community
  • Access to scholarships for a variety of Jewish learning opportunities and experiences
  • Supervised educational child care programs on Shabbat and festivals
  • Aleph Beit Chadash Supplementary School
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah program
  • Updated facilities for simchas of all sizes sophisticated and catering services from APEX Kosher Catering
  • Cemetery Privileges (if all financial obligations* are met)

*Membership, Building Fund, Pledges, Tuition, etc.

Building Fund

The Building Fund is an essential component of your membership obligation.  These funds are used to help manage the upkeep and repairs on our 70 year old building.  Payment of the Building Fund is tied to access to cemetery plots at the time of need.  For most members, the Building Fund may be paid in installments over a number of years.  Please contact the office to discuss. 

Financial Assistance

If you require financial assistance in 2024/25, please fill out this form and send it back to Candace


Tax Receipt Information

All payments are eligible for a charitable tax receipt in the year in which the payment is made.  Receipts will only be issued to the payee (name on the cheque or credit card) 

Tax receipts will be emailed/mailed early in the new year (2025) 

If your membership is being paid by a company, you must fill out a true donor form (below)

If you are covering the cost of a relative's membership, please indicate who should receive the tax receipt. 


Click here to download the True Donor form - please submit this form if the tax receipt should go to another true donor, or if a corporation is making a donation and the tax receipt should go to another true donor. 

Membership application - when completed email Sari -  Fillable application   Print application

Click here for the credit card authorization form 

2024/25 Membership 


Need help? Prefer to renew by phone?
We can help; call us at 416-633-3838 

Fri, 7 February 2025 9 Shevat 5785