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Chayei Sarah - A Week in Review

12/11/2020 09:16:50 AM


Dear Congregational Family,

This week's Parsha begins and ends with the deaths of Sarah and Abraham, our people's founding couple. 

From the death of Sarah, we read the origins of eulogizing, weeping, and arranging proper burial.

From the death of Abraham, we read the reunion of Isaac and Ishmael, who bury their father. When did the two estranged siblings come together? Did the disenfranchised son, Ishmael, see his father before he died? Or did he appear the day of the burial? Commentaries vary. What are the implications for us?

This past week has been one of loss and remembrance on many levels. Last weekend, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, a world renowned rabbi, passed away in England. 

In my own extended family, my sister in law's mother passed away last week. Some of you may recall my Yizkor sermon on Shemini Atzeret, when I addressed the plight of loneliness. I referred to the story of Nat and Donna Wiener's saga of loneliness, which had appeared a few weeks ago in the Boston Globe. Now, a few weeks later, may Donna's memory be a blessing to those who knew her and loved her.

This past week, we have observed the eighty-second anniversary of Kristallnacht, and we have commemorated Remembrance Day. May the memories of our six million brothers and sisters as well as all Canadians who died for the cause of freedom be remembered as blessings.

The Parsha title  this week translates actually as " The life of." May all our remembrances this past week inspire us to live meaningful lives physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.


Rabbi Howard Morrison

Wed, 1 May 2024 23 Nisan 5784